4 Rounds for time
10 shoulder to overhead (135#/95)
31 Double unders
13 Squat Cleans (135#/95#)
IF you're feeling AWESOME today, please wear your costume to the workout :) And don't forget we are only open for the AM CLASSES today. WE ARE CLOSED ALL PM CLASSES TONIGHT!!!!
10 Deadlift (255#/ 175#)
5 Bar muscle ups
3 min rest, then.... Every 2 min for 10 MIN (5 rounds) 400 Meter sprint
* Scale will be a 200 meter sprint.
* You should finish in under 1:30sec per round if you're unsure which to do
* Every round not completed in under 2 min there is a penalty to be done AFTER the 10 min is up.
PENALTY for 400 Meter sprinters
* 20 burpees to be done in under 1 min
* if not done in under a min, rest 30 seconds and then another 20 burpee penalty is assessed until done in under 1 min
PENALTY for 200 meter sprinters
*15 burpees to be done in under 1 min
* if not done in under a min, rest 30 seconds and then another 15 burpee penalty is assessed until done in under 1 min
* You cannot put the KB on the ground.
*Rest it however you want on your body, but it cannot touch the floor.
*Every time the KB touches the ground you must perform 10 UNBROKEN wall balls.
*If you do not perform all 10 wall balls to the rxd height of 10' and unbroken you must start the set of 10 wall balls over.
Alright Coast Rangers!!!! We've got a couple exciting annoucments so listen up.....
First..... We will be doing our first ever Barbell For Boobs Workout on October 29th. Please visit our page at http://fundraise.barbellsforboobs.org/fundraise?fcid=276596donate to help those who can't afford a mamogram get one. Also Please wear PINK to the workout on the 29th to show your support Ashley, we expect the too too to make another appearance
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!STARTING NOVEMBER 1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Tuesday 7am class is now going to be a Mobility Class!!!! No more regular class at this time, but instead it will be an hour of pure TORTURE!!!!!! I mean, work to help you achieve better positions in you movements..... So please if you know of anyone who doesn't have facebook if you could pass along the message it would be greatly appreciated.
Finally the 7:30pm classes will be changing from Thursday and Friday to Tuesday and Thursday nights. Again if you know of anyone without a Facebook if you could pass along this information that would be awesome. Both class time changes will go into affect November 1st!
"Happy Birthday Jenessa!"
14 wall balls (20# to 11'/14# to 10')
14 Power Cleans (115#/85#)
14 Alternating Split Jerks
14 lateral over the bar burpees
14 Alternating Split Jerks
14 Power Cleans
14 Wall Balls
10 Handstand pushups
6 Deadlifts (315#/225#)
12 Toes 2 Bar
Run 400 M after every 2 rounds
Corey McGee was a member of my old gym CrossFit Inferno. Last year we lost Corey in a car accident, he was 22 at the time. CrossFit Inferno came up with this HERO WOD to remember Corey and keep his amazing spirit alive in the Box. We are taking that spirit and spreading it with the Gilroy CrossFit Community!!!
I know you guys didn't know Corey, but he was an amazing young man with a great personality. He was an up and coming Firefighter who graduated the same Fire Academy as myself and pushed the limits of his abilities every day in the gym. Corey never complained about a workout, or had a negative thing to say he just would walk in with a smile, make some bad jokes, and leave with a smile. Corey will forever be missed, but our community will never forget!
So today, when you're half way through this workout and you just want to rest.... Try doing just one more rep... see how it goes. Give a little extra for someone you may not have known, but he was one of us... A CrossFitter! A Family member.