Sunday, June 30, 2013

Monday 7-1-13

10 Pull ups
20 Push ups
30 Air Squats
20 Burpees
10 Thrusters (135#/95#)

We had our final FREE workout this Sunday and WOW, what a turn out!!! We had a lot of people sign up and make the commitment to better their lives.  We are starting our on ramp classes Monday through Saturday.  All new clients must complete this 6 day course in order to start normal classes.  If you are wanting to sign up please drop in and take advantage of our introductory prices, they will only last through our GRAND OPENING BBQ which will be on August 18th.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to shoot us an email.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Saturday 6-29-13

1000 M Row
10 Push Press (185#/130#)
750 M Row
20 Push press (135#/95#)
500 M Row
30 Push Press (95#/65#)
250 M Row
40 Push Press (75#/55#)
100 M Row
50 Push press (45#/35#) 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Friday 6-28-13



DL (225#/135#)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Thursday 6-27-13

4 Power Cleans + 4 Front Squats (225#/135# or 69% of your 1rm squat clean)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wednesday 6-26-13

2 Rounds
10 Muscle ups
20 DL (225#/135#)
30 one arm Dumbell Snatches (70#/40#)
40 Double unders
50 Cal Row

Monday, June 24, 2013

Tuesday 6-25-13

3 Rounds
20 Front Squats (165#/105#)
30 KB Swings (70#/53#)
20 Box Jumps (24"/20")
30 Pull Ups

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Monday 6-24-13

Buy in: 800 M Run

4 Rounds
25 Wall Balls
25 KB SDHP's (80#/70#)
25 Alternating Lunges

Cash out: 800 M Run

Sunday 6-23-13

FREE workout tomorrow, Monday June 24th at 10:00! Meet us at Coast Range CrossFit (8540 Church St. behind Gilroy Health and Fitness) for a great WOD! Come a few minutes early to meet everyone and fill out paperwork. Please park on the street or in the lot down the road (look for the signs). We hope to see you all there! :)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Saturday 6-22-13

Double KB Shoulder to overhead (70#/53)
Ring Dip
Toes to bar


Back Squat 20 reps for max load

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Friday 6-21-13

Thruster (95#/65#)
Pull ups


Snatch Balance

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wednesday 6-19-13

5 rounds
4 DL (365#/255#)
400 M Run
10 Chest to bar pull ups


Turkish Get up

Monday, June 17, 2013

Tuesday 6-18-13

EMOM 20 Min
6 Bench Press (205#/140#)


12 Min AMRAP
10 Cal Row
20 Push ups
30 KB Swings (70#/53#)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Monday 6-17-13

Squat Clean + Split Jerk

For Time
100 Double Unders
10 Squat Cleans (185#/130#)
80 Double Unders
8 Squat Cleans
60 Double Unders
6 Squat Cleans
40 Double Unders
4 Squat Cleans
20 Double Unders
2 Squat Cleans
100 Double unders

Friday, June 14, 2013

Saturday 6-15-13

4 Rounds

4 Muscle ups
8 toes to rings
12 Box jumps
8 DL (225#/135#)


300 (3 count) Flutter kicks

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Friday 6-14-13

EMOM for 15 min
5 Reps Deadlift @ (365#/255# or 68% of your 1RM)


10 Min AMRAP
5 Hanging power Snatches (115#/75#)
10 overhead squats
15 bar facing burpees

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Thursday 6-13-13

Bench Press (205#/115# or 65% of your 1RM)
Strict Pull-up


20 minutes minimum foam rolling

Having some pain just under the knee cap? Check out this video by Kelly

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wednesday 6-12-13

** FREE WOD today, June 12 @ 4:30 at Coast Range CrossFit (8540 Church St., Gilroy).  Anyone and everyone is welcome!  Hope to see you there!

4 Rounds (20 Min Time Cap)
10 Deadlifts (205#/115# or 40% of your 1RM)
5 Power Cleans (Same weight as DL)
25 Push ups

*Every minute do 10 air squats

Article courtesy of CrossFit Verve...

Lifestyle Choices Can Affect Our Genetic Make-Up  ~ Luke Palmisano
Many times in my life I have told myself all the things I cannot do. I can’t deadlift “x” amount of weight.  I can’t run “this” fast.  I can only be so strong, because my body is what it is.  I am born with a certain type of body, with certain strengths.  To an extent, this is true.  I can’t ever be a defensive tackle in the NFL, because I can’t even imagine what I would have to do to my body to be able to weigh close to 300 pounds, while at the same time running a 4.8 40-yard-dash.  Probably some mean conconction of steroids and methemphetamines.
That being said, we never want to think that we cannot affect within our body how our genes areexpressed. 
David Rakel, MD, is the director of integrative medicine at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. He speaks of the term “epigenetics,” which could be defined as what empowers people to take control of their health by making choices that may override their genetic code.  Rakel says behavior and environment can affect how those genes are “expressed,” that is, how the information in a gene gets translated into proteins.
How may a gene express itself? If left unchecked, it may express itself in ways that it normally would for people in your family. If cancer is common in your family, that is how your genes may tilt toward expressing themselves.  Same with strokes, hypertension, diabetes, ect. So what does that mean for us?
A 2007 study by Dr. Steven Schroeder of the University of California-San Francisco concluded  the largest influence on the risk of death in America is attributed to personal behavior, such as smoking, obesity, and stress.  You could define what we put in our body as creating the “environment” our genes exist in.  Not just for us, but for future generations.  How we feel, and what we put into our bodies will affect our health.  Tests on lab rats showed that mothers who have the gene that increases the risk of diabetes, but who ate healthy foods (evidently fed garlic, beets, and onions), not only stayed healthy themselves, but influenced the expression of those genes in their offspring.
So if we choose to be happier, more forgiving people, and choose to eat our fruits and veggies, evidence is beginning to show that this will leave a mark on our code that can be passed on.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Tuesday 6-11-13


Wall Ball (20# @ 11'/14# @ 10')
KB Snatch (53#/35#)


Row 2K

** FREE WOD tomorrow, June 12 @ 4:30 at Coast Range CrossFit (8540 Church St., Gilroy).  Anyone and everyone is welcome!  Hope to see you there!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Monday 6-10-13

EMOM for 15 min
3 Push Press + 3 Push jerks (185#/130# or 67% of your 1RM)


5 Rounds
15 Burpee pull - ups
10 Toes 2 bar
15 Box Jumps

Great article posted on CrossFit Invictus for Ultra Marathoners who CrossFit

Is Crossfit for Ultramarathoners?
Written by Invictus Member 
Ed MacBean
A few weeks ago I ran my second ultramarathon – the “PCT50″, which runs along the Pacific Crest Trail about an hour east of San Diego.  In many ways, an ultramarathon may seem contradictory to CrossFit – rather than “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement”, an ultra-marathon is a repetitive motion carried out at low intensity for a very long time.  I PR’ed the PCT50 by 1 hour and 43 minutes, and that still involved running more than 10 hours! But, for me, completing an ultra is my version of the CrossFit Games – the challenge and reward for all the work that I put in at Invictus and on the track Wednesday nights with Coach Nuno.  Here are some of the lessons that I learned at Invictus that were critical in accomplishing my ultramarathon goal.
1. “Create a Plan.”  During the CrossFit Open, it was really helpful to have a plan laid out before the workout, such as “break these down into sets of 10″ or “try to get 8 reps every minute”.  At the track, we will have a target pace and an objective to hold it it through every rep, or to ‘negative split’ and go faster on the second half.  For the ultra, I wanted  a finish time that began with 10 (last year it took me 12 hours and 5 minutes).  A 12 minute pace for the whole run would be a 10 hour finish, so I broke the race into 7 mini-runs between each aid station, and figured out how much time I had to complete each section at that pace.  This allowed me to use the time at the aid stations to easily gauge my progress and gather my thoughts for the next ‘mini-run’ while I refueled, rather than contemplating that I still had ‘X’ miles left.  Hitting each check point at the time I wanted grew my confidence, fending off the mind games and self-doubt that plagued me last year.
2. “Grab the bar.”  Crossfit has taught me that pain and stress during the workouts isn’t bad, it means you’re working hard and becoming stronger.  Just about every CrossFit workout reaches that point where you are ready to stop, but you learn to step up and grab the bar, earn one more rep and keep going.  The mental challenge in an ultra is at least as important as the physical challenge, and visualizing myself “grabbing the bar” for one more clean, pull-up, etc. helped me keep putting one foot in front of the other, while pushing back the temptation to stop and walk, hide in the shade and question my choices in life.  When my feet started to get sore and my quads started to burn, it was not a sign of weakness or not being fit to accomplish my goal, but a measure of my accomplishment.
3. “Efficiency.”  At the track and the gym, we spend a lot of time focusing on our form and how to run and exercise properly.  Often this is for safety, but it is also about conservation of energy, which is critical in endurance sports.  We also learn to train by running hard for shorter distances, not by slogging out miles and miles of runs for several hours at  a slow pace.  Training like that is boring and of questionable health benefit.  In training for the ultra, I never ran more than 10 miles at once, but would typically target a 6-7 minute pace which made a 10-12 minute target during the race feel very comfortable, and maintaining the “figure 4″ stance allowed me to save energy and still feel strong in the critical miles around 30-40 where the finish can seem impossibly far away.
I know a lot of you hate running, which is probably part of what attracts you to CrossFit as a better alternative to fitness.  When I used to run and train the ‘old’ way, I started to hate it too, and it showed in gradually slower times, waning interest, and injury.  Invictus has taught me not just to be a better runner and athlete, it has allowed me to accomplish higher goals while having more time for friends and family.  I encourage you to join us on Wednesday nights at the track, and see if maybe running your best 5k/10k/marathon/ultra isn’t your reward for CrossFit as well.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Saturday 6-8-13

In teams of 3-5

15 Min AMRAP

10 KB Swings
15 Air Squats
200 Meter Sprint

*The second the first teammate takes off for his/her sprint the next teammate will begin their KB Swings
** Rounds are scored when each individual on the team has completed one round


As Individuals

EMOM (every min on the min)
Odd Min: 15 Push ups
Even Min: 25 tuck jumps

* you will complete the rxd (prescribed) amount of reps and rest the remainder of the min.  HINT!!!! THE FASTER YOU GO, THE MORE REST YOU GET ;)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Friday 6-7-13

Push Press


4 Rounds
400 Meter Run
20 KB Swings (70#/53#)
10 HSPU's
5 DL (315#/225# or 58% of your 1RM)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Thursday 6-6-13

Front Squat


5 rounds
Max time L-Sit
Max time Handstand hold

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wednesday 6-5-13

Our next FREE WOD will be this Saturday, June 8th at 9:00 am at Coast Range CrossFit!  We are located behind Gilroy Health & Fitness (8540 Church St., Gilroy).  Parking will be on Pierce. St. in our separate lot, so please don't park in Gilroy H & F parking lot.  For those of you not competing in the Morgan Hill CrossFit Post Regional Redemption, we hope to see you Saturday morning!  Please support you local CrossFit community and stop by the competition to check it out after our WOD!

3 SNATCH (185#/125#)


Muscle up
Snatch (135#/95)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Tuesday 6-4-13



Deadlift  (315#/225#)
Box Jump (30"/24")

Monday 6-3-13

A big thank you to everyone who came out yesterday to Coast Range CrossFit's first WOD!  We had a great time and hope to see you all at the next one!

EMOM 15 min
3 power cleans (275#/205#)


Power clean (165#/105#)
Shoulder 2 overhead
Pull up

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Sunday 6-2-13

Coast Range CrossFit's FIRST WORKOUT!!!!!!!!

In teams of 4 complete the following:
100 Burpees (15 Max at at time)
400 M Run (* With a KB )
200 Summo Deadlift High Pull's with KB (15 Max at a time)
400 M Run (* With KB )
300 Air Squats (15 Max at a time)

* Only one teammate is allowed to work at a time until the team reaches the required number of reps.
** During the entire workout the teams Kettle Bell MAY NOT be placed on the ground.  It must be held
*** During the run, the teammate with the KB is in front and will pass of to the next person in line as needed
**** If at any point during the workout the KB is placed on the ground it is a team penalty of 10 Burpees which will be done at the end of the workout