OUR #WCW is Christine!!!
When and how did you get started with us?I started from the beginning, when you opened! I have been doing crossfit since 2010 & I wanted to crossfit in the town that I lived in and not have to drive to a different town. When you opened it was a sign from the crossfit gods!!!  Favorite workout?Anything with a barbell!!!! I love lifting the heavy stuff!!
Least favorite workout?Wallballs, burpees, and anyone who knows me knows....I HATE running!!!
What’s the best part about working out at CRCF?I love my friends. They are my family now. When I want to quit a wod and cry, they have a way of lifting me up! Whenever I am there, I have a feeling of "I've never felt so loved and supported!"
What’s the wallpaper on your phone right now?My husband and I on our wedding day, so ever time I check my phone I am reminded of love I have for him. What’s in your most frequently used emoji?
What’s your favorite movie of all time? Rudy (I love when someone over comes struggles and makes their goal) I root for the underdog!!!
Team Batman or Superman?Superman, his outfit matches my husbands awesome bike!
What’s the last thing you searched for on Google?Coast Range blog, to check the wod for my 5am wake up
What’s your cheat meal? Endless Chips and salsa and Micheladas
If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why? I love and relate to the ocean. I would be a dolphin, they are an animal that seems to have a friendly, free, and bubbly character. That defines me
You could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?A tropical island, maybe Puerto Rico |
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