10 Burpees
75 Double unders
12 Deadlifts (185#/135#)
6 Hang PC (185#/135#)
ODD: Forearm plank
Even: Flutter Kicks
When and how did you get started with us?
After hearing about CRCF for a while, I dropped in one day to "check it out". That was it for me, loved everyone and the classes; I knew I had to make this my home
Favorite workout?
I like anything with teams and squats!
Least favorite workout?
Wallballs! I think i'm going to die every time.
What’s the best part about working out at CRCF?
Everything! The coaches, the people and the program is awesome, I have made some awesome friends and hit some PRs.
What’s the wallpaper on your phone right now?
An orange flower
What’s in your most frequently used emoji tab?
Team Batman or Superman?
Superman, because he has super powers and can fly!!
What’s the last thing you searched for on Google?
What's the WOD at CRCF
What’s your cheat meal?
A fried tortilla with cheese and sour cream
If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you be and why?
A spoiled teacup dog. They are adored by their owners, get taken everywhere (in a doggy stroller or designer bag). Sounds like a good life to me!
You could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Greece. It's been a place I have wanted to go, I feel like there is so much history there. Hope to make it there some day.
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