Thursday, June 30, 2016

Friday 7-1-16

1 Clean & Jerk (going up every min trying to PR)

Rest 2 Min 

ODD: 5 DL (using heaviest C&J)
EVEN: 10 Bar Facing Burpees

If you are planning on going to the Christopher High pool with everyone tomorrow, this is the stroke we will be working on. It's the best stroke to use in long open ocean swims, and with the ocean just over the hill and the opportunity to participate in many competitive swims this may become a reality this year for many of our members. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Wednesday 6-29-16

Teams of 3
3 Rounds
Row 500 Meters 
Run 400 Meters 
40 KB Swings (53#/35#)

*Each member will start on 1 station and advance when the station behind them tags them, and complete the next station one the athlete in front of them is done. All 3 athletes will complete 3 rounds of the triplet for time.

With the weather warming up it's time to take your fitness outside!!! Christopher high's pool hours and prices are listed below. Each Saturday for the next couple months Coast Range's Online program will have swimming programmed in. Should be a fun opportunity to get outside and learn some new skills! Take advantage :) 

CHS Aquatics Center, 850 Day Rd.
2016 Hours of Operation
Saturday & Sunday, May 28 to June 19, 2016
12:00 to 5:00 PM

Tuesday - Sunday, June 21 to Aug. 4, 2016
11:30 AM to 6:00 PM

Saturday & Sunday, Aug. 6 to Sept. 4, 2016
12:00 to 5:00 PM
The CHS Aquatics Center is closed on July 4, July 29-31, August 5 and Mondays.

Admission Fee: $5 weekdays and $7 weekends

Monday, June 27, 2016

Tuesday 6-28-16

5 Rounds
20 Pull ups
40 Push ups
60 Air Squats

Optional Strength 

5 X 4 
Dip Complex
5 second static hold
3 second eccentric
3 second bottom hold
Explode up

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Monday 6-27-16

"Dumbbell DT"
5 rounds
12 DB DL (55#/35#)

Optional Strength (After Class)

Back Squat
4X5 @ 85%

Friday, June 24, 2016

Saturday 6-25-16

Thrusters (75#/55#)
Double Unders 

*If you break on either movement, start over at 0 on the set you were on. For example, if during the set of 16 you trip up on your double unders, start over at 0 on the set of 16. Do not go back to the beginning.

Brittany with USA Weightlifter Jessica Lucero 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Friday 6-24-16

DL (225#/155#)
Pull up
Toes 2 Bar

Optional Strength (after class)

Back Squat 
6X2 @ 80%
Wes with surf legend Sunny Garcia 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Thursday 6-23-16


If you want a better OHS, Muscle Ups, HSPUs, Squat Snatches, then these Thursday ROMWOD sessions are your ticket there! 

Want two weeks free? follow this link

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Wednesday 6-22-16

5 Rounds 
10 Power Snatches (95#/65#)
20 OHS (95#/65#)
30 Wall Balls (20#/14#)

Optional Strength (after class)

Back Squat 
6 X 6 @ 80%

How I felt yesterday going to the gym!!! 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Tuesday 6-21-16

4 Alternating Turkish Get Ups (70#/53#)
8 Alternating Pistols (70#/53#)

Optional part B Conditioning (after class)

4 Alternating Stone over Shoulder (110#/80#)
40' Stone bear hug walk
4 Burpee Box Get overs (50"/40")
Chris Spealler and Wes

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Monday 6-20-16

ODD: 8 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#)
Even: 200 M Sprint

Strength (after class)

Back Squat 
6 X 2 @ 80%

Alex R. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Saturday 6-18-16

60 M Farmers Carry (70#/53#)
8 Bar Muscle ups 
Max DL (225#/155#)

Rest 2 min 

60 M Farmers Carry (70#/53#)
8 Bar Muscle ups 
Max DL (225#/155#)

Optional Strength (after class)

5 X 2 
Clean from the blocks (mid thigh) @ 70% 1RM Clean 

Coach Alex with The Legend Chris Spealler 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Friday 6-17-16

For Time
100 Alternating DB Squat Snatches (100#/75#)

* Every 2 min perform 30 double unders

Optional strength (after class)

Back Squat 
6 X 5 @ 80% 


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Thursday 6-16-16


Romwod Warriors Series 

When we workout we are writing ourselves checks. The harder the workouts the more expensive those checks. Well guess what? You can write all the checks in the world, but if you never go to the bank and cash those checks you'll never be rich! Our Thursday ROMWOD days are you cashing those checks you've been writing. This cycle we are on now is about fixing left to right imbalances and increasing mobility to set ourselves up for success for our upcoming strength cycle. Thursday Romwod days are a VERY important part of that process. Get your butt in the gym and take an hour to cash some checks!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Wednesday 6-15-16

4 Rounds for max reps (2 minutes at each station)
Row For Calories
Kettlebell Swings (80#/62#)
Ring Dips 

Optional Strength (after class)

Back Squat 
6 X 2 @ 80%

We sat down with Mental Coach Bob Fystro, Coast Range's Certified Sports Nutritionist Brittany Malone, and Wes to talk about nutrition, mental training, and CrossFit. Check out the Nutrition Podcast here

Monday, June 13, 2016

Tuesday 6-14-16

30 Front Squats (155#/105#)
30 Bar Facing Burpees 
30 Hang Power Cleans (155#/105#)
30 HSPU's
30 Overhead Squats (155#/105#)

Optional Strength (after class)

Pendlay Row 
4 X 6 @ 70% of your 1RM Snatch 
*If you did this last week, add 10# for guys and 5# for ladies on top of your 70% 


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Monday 6-13-16

200 M Sprint
Max SDHP (95#/65#)

Rest 1 min 

200 M Sprint
Max Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
*Feet may not touch the top of the box. You must clear the entire box each jump.

Rest 1 min 

200 M Sprint
Max Push Press (95#/65#)

Optional Strength (After Class)

Back Squat 
6 X 4 @ 80%

"Great" Scott

Friday, June 10, 2016

Saturday 6-11-16

Teams of 2
"The Seven" Partner style
7 Rounds
7 HSPU's (Strict is Ideal, but not mandatory)
7 Thrusters (135#/95#)
7 Knees 2 Elbow 
7 DL (245#/165#)
7 Burpees (Bar facing are ideal, but not mandatory)
7 KBS (70#/53)
7 Pull ups (Strict will be considered RX Today) 

*Do this in a "you go - I go" fashion, where partner one will do 7 HSPU's then Partner 2 will go. Once partner 2 has done their 7 HSPU's, partner 1 will do 7 Thrusters etc. Until both partners have completed 7 rounds each.


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Friday 6-10-16

4 Rounds 
80 M Waiters Walk (55#/35#) 
12 T2B 
24 Push Ups 

Optional After Class
Back Squat 
6 X 2 @ 80%

* Our squatting cycle is highly focused on perfect movement. What this means is trying to clean up any bad habits we may have in our squat. If you love using oly shoes, weight belts, and knee sleeves we encourage you to slowly strip yourself of these items.

The first week of this cycle is a way for you to get used to squatting regularly and for your body to have enough attempts each week to work itself through some of those bad habits.

As we work our way through these 6 weeks of squatting really focus on slowly getting yourself away from those lifting shoes, belts, and wraps. 


Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Thursday 6-9-16


The past couple weeks have been rough! The legs are probably feeling it and the CNS is probably a little worn down. Our job is to watch our members for signs of fatigue and be sure to program appropriately to give our athletes the most benefit in their training. That is why today we will be spending the class doing ROMWOD and allowing the body to open up and the CNS to take a break. Most people say they don't stretch enough when asked and the main reason is that they don't have enough time. Well here it is, 45 min of nothing but dedicated time to yourself and your recovery :) 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Wednesday 6-8-16

For Time
Wall Ball (30#/20#)
Power Snatch (75#/55#)

Optional Strength after class

Back Squat 
6 X 2 @ 80%


Monday, June 6, 2016

Tuesday 6-7-16

10 CTB Pull ups
100 M Sprint
2 Squat Cleans (235#/165#)

Optional Strength after class

Pendlay Row 
4 X 6 @ 70% of 1RM Snatch


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Monday 6-6-16

5 Rounds
10 DB Thrusters (35#/25#)
8 Burpees

Optional Strength (after class)

Back Squat 
6 X 2 @ 80%

Add caption

Friday, June 3, 2016

Saturday 6-3-16

For Time
150 Wall Balls (20#/14#)

Today marks the end of our 6 week testing cycle. We will begin with our new cycle, focusing on left to right imbalances, mobility, and stability starting Monday. You will see a lot of single arm, single leg, dumbbell, and kettle bell work in the next cycle, forcing the left and right sides to catch up with one another. We will also be adding in more skill work to the warm ups with progressions to the harder movements such as the handstand walks and muscle ups. Hope everyone is excited! See you all Monday!!! 


Thursday, June 2, 2016

Friday 6-3-16

3 Rounds
400 M Run
21 KBS (53#/35#)
12 Pull ups 


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Thursday 6-2-16

In teams of 3
Row 500 Meters
20 Lateral Burpee BJ Overs (24"/20")
20 DB Push Press (55#/35#) 
