Monday, May 19, 2014

Tuesday 5-20-14

Work to heavy weight for complex: (15 min)

Power Clean double touch and go + 1 Jerk


AMRAP 6 min
1- 2-3-4-5-6-7-8.... Continuing on
Thruster (205#/110#)
legless rope climb
   *sub 3 strict towel pull ups
   * 5 strict pull ups with a band (make it HARD to get 5!)

So, you've been working you butt off for some time now. Things are starting to change, in a good way. You feel stronger, faster, healthier. You’re officially calling yourself a crossfitter with pride. Welcome to the club! If this sounds like you, then its time to step things up a notch. Its time to focus on the fuel that we feed the machines we refer to as our bodies. So heres a quick rundown on what happens to our bodies during and after a workout, and a few things we can do as athletes to help get the best results out of our hard work.
To make things simple we can treat our body like a car. What fuels cars? Well gasoline of course. For humans our gas is known as carbohydrates or carbs for short. A workout for our bodies is like putting a car through a drag race. Its going to use the fuel in the tank as fast as possible, known as glycogen in people, to speed down the track. Or do a million burpees while working out. So after a workout our tanks are empty and we are in need of some fuel to fill our tanks. This is the ONLY time you will here from any one of us that it is ok to help your body out by having some fast acting carbs. 
Fast acting carbs in food form are known as simple sugars. These can be found in many various forms of whole foods and fruit juices. Some good choices include: orange, grape, coconut, and apple juices. The reason we need to do this is because if we don’t the body will refuel the tank for you. It does this by breaking down our own muscle tissue and NOT fat to be ready for the next race. Muscle is way easier and quicker to brake down for our bodies into energy. If we have ever felt rundown during the day after a workout, or super sore for days, or even have trouble sleeping then we didn't refuel properly. So if its important to you to keep your muscle and give your body the ok to break down fats then we need to replace nutrients after a workout properly. This will help you to be more rested, stronger and ready to go for the next workout.
Refueling is very simple but can easily be overdone. So try this after our next WOD. Bring something with you, like one of the above juices, for immediately post workout. And we mean Immediately! Our bodies give us about 15 minutes to get some fast acting carbs into our bodies before they begin to break down our muscles into fuel. But remember not to over do it, a small glass is plenty. Any more and were overfilling our tanks, and the excess fuel will be stored as body fat and i’m sure none of us want that. This will only last a little while before we need something of  more substance. So its also important that we eat within an hour or so after working out. This should be our healthiest meal of the day, as well as the biggest if we can stand it. If you have any questions at all please, please, please ask one of the coaches before we begin this adventure in the the world of athletic nutrition. This is a EXTREMELY simplified version of what goes on in our bodies and every athlete is different. HAVE A HAPPY WORKOUT!

-Coach Steve

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