Sunday, July 31, 2016

Monday 8-1-16

Teams of 3
4 Rounds 
250 Meter Row
20/17 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Wall Balls (20#/14#)

*This is a relay style workout where teammate 1 will row 250 Meters, then do their calories on the assault bike and finally the wall balls. Teammates may start rowing after the teammate ahead is off the ASSAULT BIKE and moving to the wall balls.  Each athlete will do 4 total rounds.

It's going down!!! August 13th, 6pm - 11pm at Coast Range CrossFit. RSVP to the following link so we know how much prune juice to get

Friday, July 29, 2016

Saturday 7-30-16

For Time
Medball Clean (30#/20#)
Bar Muscle up

14 days away... Gonna be epic! Thank you Coast Rangers for making this possible. Time to celebrate YOU!! 

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Friday 7-29-16

5 Rounds
12 DL (155#/105#)
6 Push Jerks
Bench Press
3 X 6 @ 70%

Previous barbell "DT" times. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Thursday 7-28-16

Teams of 3
500 M Row
400 M Run
Max Burpee Box Jump Overs (24”/20”)

Throwback Thursday to the California Regionals and our amazing crew! 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Wednesday 7-27-16

EMOM for as long as possible
12 Thrusters (75#/55#)
6 Bar Facing Burpees

5 X 5 @ 70%

Ari reminding us fitness should be fun! 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Tuesday 7-26-16

10 Rounds
10 DL (185#/125#)
1 Round of Cindy
*5 pull ups -  10 push ups - 15 air squats

Pre orders for our Coast Range hats are happening NOW! Email to get yours before the next order is placed. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Monday 7-25-16

200 M Run
20 Box Jumps (24"/20")
20 KBS (53#/35#)


Back Squat
4 X 9 @ 70%

Mark your calendars!! August 13th we celebrate an amazing 3 years of Coast Range. Find your best "old folk" costume and come hang out :) 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Saturday 7-22-16

For Time 
75 Snatches (75#/55#)

Rest 3 min then....

For Time 
150 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
Previous "Karen" Times.
Previous "Randy" Times

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Friday 7-22-16

For Time 
30 Clean & Jerks (135#/95#)


20 Minutes to find a 1RM

Clean & Jerk 

Previous "Grace" Times. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Thursday 7-21-16

5 Rounds 
200 M Sprint
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
12 Toes 2 Bar
6 Front Squats (135#/95#)


Not for Time 
100 (3 count) Flutter kicks 
50 Push ups 
100 (3 Count) Flutter kicks 
50 Push ups 

No ROMWOD today. We will be sending out a survey soon on which class you liked more :) Be on the lookout! 

Our three day On Ramp class teaches newcomers how to move safely and efficiently. Our dedicated coaching staff go over the basic movements you will need to enter our group classes.
The three, two hour sessions are done in a one on one or small group setting using bodyweight and lightweight moments. The goal with the intensive on ramp course is to educate the participant on why we do the movements we do as well as a discussion in nutrition and proper scaling of all movements. To set up your On Ramp and get your fitness goals started email today! 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Wednesday 7-20-16

30 Rounds 
5 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
3 Handstand push ups 
1 Power Clean (225#/155#)

Previous "Holleyman" Times.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Tuesday 7-19-16

Deadlift (225#/155#)
Handstand Push up


20 Minutes to establish a 1RM

Previous "Diane" Times. 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Monday 7-18-16

3 Rounds
1 min: Burpees
1 min: Power Snatch (75#/55#)
1 min: Box Jump (24"/20")
1 min: Thruster (75#/55#)
1 min: Chest to Bar Pull ups
1 min: REST

Previous "Hope" Scores. 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Saturday 7-16-16

Wall Ball (30#/20#)
Power Snatch (75#/55#)

This on hurt!!! 

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Friday 7-15-16

Handstand Push up
Ring Dip
Push up


Establish a 1RM 

Back squat

"I'd like the strength portion to not be after class. I'd like to be able to get stronger without having to stay longer. I don't have time after class due to work."
7/7/2016 12:32 PM View respondent's answers

We had a few people with this response to the above question in our last survey. We hear you! The last few days should show you we are open for suggestions always and wanting to help you be the best you can! But be careful what you wish for ;) This next cycle is gonna be a fun one! We will have another survey out somewhere around the middle of this next cycle. Be sure to participate! 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Thursday 7-14-16

Teams of 2
4 Rounds (10 Min cap)
Row 250 Meters
25 Goblet squats (53#/35#)

37.74% of Coast Rangers don't feel motivated enough to go to a class when it's just ROMWOD. Taking your feedback and applying it immediately. We will be doing a workout and a shorter ROMWOD on Thursdays for this cycle, giving everyone a chance to get a workout in as well as reap the benefits of ROMWOD. If you would like to just do the ROMWOD you are more than welcome to come and hang out during the workout and then jump in to the class when we start the ROMWOD. Thank you everyone for your feedback and helping us continue to make Coast Range exactly what you want it to be :) 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Wednesday 7-13-16

3 Rounds (9 min cap)
200 M Run
50 Double unders
20 Pull ups

Rest 1 Min 

1 Bear Complex
* 1 PC + 1 FS + 1 STOH + 1 BS + 1 STOH = 1 Rep
* Go up in weight every minute


Monday, July 11, 2016

Tuesday 7-12-16

5 Rounds 
10 Dumbbell Thrusters (35#/25#)
8 Burpees


Penally Row 
4 X 6 @ 70% Snatch

Retesting from 6-6-16

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Monday 7-11-16

10 KBS (80#/62#)
10 BJ (24"/20")
100 M Sprint

Rest 2 MIN

4 Alternating Hang Split Snatch (115#/85#)
4 Bar Muscle Ups

“Learning from our past, analyzing for our future, and caring for everyone.”

Recently we sent out a survey to all members asking them for their opinions on how training has been going, what they would like see stay the same, and what they would like to see changed.
Our mission at Coast Range is to be an all-encompassing gym, where the best in the world workout side by side with the moms, dads, and grandmas. We continually strive to find new ways to push not only the elite of athletes, but also the weekend warriors striving to do a Tough Mudder or half marathon, as well as the mom and dad who just want to keep up with the kids and live a healthy, long life.

Having a team or individual make Regionals or the CrossFit Games and having someone get their first double under both rank as highlights in our gym!

After receiving the feedback from the survey, we took a long hard look at where we would need to go with our training and for all who participated in the survey, THANK YOU! You have helped us tremendously in seeing the path we must take to keep the elite athlete and the mom of four both continuing to see improvements in their fitness and health.

So what does that mean?
We had fifty six athletes take part in the survey. We learned that 98% of athletes polled feel the last cycle helped them fix some type of imbalance in their body, helping prevent future injuries.page1image15904 
92.34% of athletes polled recognize that ROMWOD done regularly will help them with their health, regardless of if they like it or not.
When asked why some people haven’t attended a ROMWOD class, the typical response was either “I don’t feel motivated enough to go when it’s just ROMWOD” or “I have ROMWOD and can do that at home”.
When looking into the next cycle, we received a few comments asking for “longer workouts”. I would like to take a moment to address this and the reasoning behind short, moderate, or long workouts in a training protocol.
We have three energy pathways our body works in. The Phosphagen pathway produces 100% of your max power and lasts up to 10 seconds in duration. Think a max effort 100m sprint or a one rep max olympic lift.
The second is the Glycolytic pathway. It can produce up approximately 70% of your max power output and lasts about 2 min, peaking at around 60 seconds. Think a max effort 400m sprint by a well-versed runner.
The third is the Oxidative or Aerobic pathway and it produces about 40% of your max power output. It does not crash and burn like our other two pathways. This would be more like an 800 meter sprint by a well-versed runner.

Work in any one of these pathways for too long and the Central Nervous System (CNS) will fatigue and over training can occur.
So how do we know if we are programming correctly? The picture below tells me we are on the right path. Test, make a well thought out training cycle, and then retest. Do that over and over again. It’s that simple and that complicated all at the same time.

Many people like the long workouts because they sweat a lot and feel like they are burning calories. This is great, especially mentally for the athlete, but not always the best thing for the athlete.
Longer workouts put more strain on the body over time, not allowing the body to recover, if done too often. Short, intense sprint style workouts demand more on the cardiorespiratory system without the pounding of the joints and muscles, but also done too often can fatigue the CNS and lead to lower testosterone levels and higher cortisol levels (both bad). So what should we do?

BOTH!!! And everything in between with a constant check on form, data, and how our athletes are feeling both physically and mentally. Where the tough part comes in for me is making sure everyone is happy, and as a family grows that becomes more and more difficult. This is why we put out the survey and will continue to do so periodically from now on.
Not only is it a fun way for all of us to have a say in what happens in the gym, but very insightful for me as your coach to make sure I’m doing everything I can to provide a fun, safe, and effective training environment for everyone at Coast Range.
So with that being said, please be on the lookout regularly for surveys coming your way and take the short time to complete them. The more people who do, the better look we get at what needs to be done at Coast Range to continue to make it better.

In closing, the goal is to make coming to the gym FUN! If this isn’t happening, then we are failing at our main job. We want to continue to foster an environment at Coast Range where you not only continue to see improvement in your health and fitness, but are excited to be there as well! Just like our energy systems we operate in, it is also important for us to have balance in our every day lives. Being the only gym I know with an official “Drinking Team,” I’d say we are doing okay on that front (follow them on Instagram if you aren’t already! @coastrangedrinkingteam)!
Thank you everyone for your help in making Coast Range the best family in the world and a pretty cool gym too! Time to train!

- Your Coast Range Coaching Staff

Friday, July 8, 2016

Saturday 6-9-16

200 M Run
2 Rope Climbs
2 Power Snatches (185#/125#)
2 OHS (185#/125#)

Should you CrossFit while pregnant? The answer is simple really! Have you been doing CrossFit on a regular basis for the past year? If yes then go ahead, if no, then stay moving but don't increase your intensity from what it has been over the last year.
If you will be doing CrossFit during your pregnancy you should constantly monitor your heart rate and not push towards maxes on lifts. At any moment during your workout you should be able to hold a conversation, if you don't think you can or feel your heart racing, then take a break. Breath, grab some water and then go back to working out. During you pregnancy it's about maintaining your fitness and health, not getting PRs!

There are some movements such as sit ups, and jumping on boxes that should be avoided, but talk to your doctor and be sure they know exactly what you are doing. Also be sure to tell your coach when you find out you are pregnant. Your safety and well being are number one to us, and this information is absolutely necessary for our staff to know.
We've had many Coast Range babies born since we opened are doors and love that as more and more are on their way, our moms trust our coaching staff with their health and wellness! 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Friday 7-8-16

3 Rounds 
10 Unbroken Right Arm KB Thrusters (70#/53#)
10 Unbroken Right Arm KB Hang Snatches
10 Alternating Pistols
10 Unbroken Left Arm KB Thrusters
10 Unbroken Left Arm KB Hang Snatches
10 Alternating Pistols

Optional Strength

Back Squat 
6 X 2 @ 80%
When I ask you to help me out with something... Usually means you're gonna suffer! Thanks Reed and Nick for testing todays workout for us :) 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Thursday 7-7-16


Today's ROMWOD. If you have been loving these Thursday ROMWODS and would like to step it up to a few days a week, here is a link for two free weeks. Try it out and you'll see why athletes all over the world swear by it!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Wednesday 7-6-15

For Time
DL (335#/230#)
Strict Def HSPU (4"/3")

Optional Strength 

3 X 3 @ 95%

Monday, July 4, 2016

Tuesday 7-5-16

1 Power Clean + 1 Shoulder 2 Overhead + 1 Front Squat

*Work up to heaviest weight possible. Once you fail, take 1 min off, drop weight down to 90% and continue at this weight for the remainder of the 20 minutes. 

The Coast Range BB Warm up

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Monday 7-4-16

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!! Here is a fun little workout you can do at home with your family before enjoying the rest of your day. Hit it hard and have an amazing 4th! Post pics of you guys doing the workout to instagram or Facebook and tag us in them :) 

4 Push ups 
4 box jumps (you pick height)

4 Air Squats 
4 Burpees 

4 Walking Lunge Steps 
4 Broad Jumps 

Run as far as possible

Each AMRAP is to be done back to back with no rest. For the final AMRAP run 2 min out, turn around and try to either get back to your start line or beat it on the way back. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Saturday 7-2-16

"Happy 4th weekend"

Teams of 4
40 Synchro T2B
40 Synchro Burpees to T2B Bar
40 Synchro OH in place Lunges (45#/25#) [all 4 athletes together]
40 Synchro BJ Overs (30"/24")
40 Synchro Push Press (135#/95#) 

*A team of 2 will start at the T2B and a team of 2 will start at the PP.

All 4 Team members will meet at the OH Lunges  and perform that as a synchronized team of 4. then move on in opposite directions until finishing on the PP and T2B.

Happy 4th of July weekend! We hope you spend time with friends and family and enjoy your weekend! Please think of your combat veterans and puppies before lighting off those fire works this weekend.